MGI announces the 1e sale of the AlphaJET in France to the Drôme printing company ISRA
ISRA will fully optimize the production flow of its printing activities, with the very first Digital Printing Plant 4.0.
For ISRA, a manufacturer and printer of intelligent commercial media, whose factory is based in Romans and has 90 employees, the year 2022 will certainly be placed under the sign of Industry 4.0.
This industrial cooperative, which is active in the packaging, smart card and chip card markets for retail, transport, authentication and access control, has invested in the first AlphaJET 4.0 factory of the French manufacturer MGI Digital Technology.
The AlphaJET is a breakthrough innovation in industrial printing, which integrates for the first time, in a single pass, and according to a 100% digital flow, all stages of four-color printing, UV selective varnish and hot foil stamping, in fixed or variable data, in 2D and 3D, in a B1 format (72x110cm)
ISRA: a DNA marked by Printing and Innovation
By equipping itself with the AlphaJET of MGI, ISRA confirms both its attachment to its first trade: printing but also its strategy of development which always bet on the innovation and the differentiation. Two values that have always made the strength of this SME. This investment is part of a 5-year innovation plan that is part of the "France Relance" initiative.
Among ISRA's latest innovations, the creation of the first "zero plastic" card ISBIO, which has now become established with the major luxury brands and contractors, because of its eco-responsible aspect due to its fully recyclable material: paper. In this context, the acquisition of an AlphaJET appeared as a logical continuation of the innovation strategy of ISRA, for its general manager, Jean-Pierre Chauvin:

"ISRA is a very specific company, which masters internally all the printing trades, in particular offset printing, screen printing, digital printing, hot foil stamping, printed electronics and security printing. These different trades allow us to offer products with high added value, by their printing quality, their personalization, their finishing, whether they are classic or embed contactless technologies. Today, the manufacturing of our products generally requires 5 main steps. The AlphaJET will allow us to simplify the production flow and to free us from certain printing constraints, without breaking loads, without waste and without loss of time, with an unequalled productivity, impossible to obtain with conventional equipment ".
ISRA : a totally optimized production flow with the AlphaJET
The implementation of the AlphaJET will clearly constitute a technical revolution for ISRA, as Christophe Jouinot, President and Director of Production, explains:

"Until now, the implementation of different equipment to realize our packagings and our cards, had for consequence incompressible production times, minimal volumes, even the management of semi-finished products. The AlphaJET will enable us to gain in reactivity, but also in quality, because of an exceptional quadri printing on a great number of supports, in photo quality, and a perfect register of the varnish and the hot gilding. Freed from various production breaks, we will be able to offer very short production times, on all types of prints, with eco-responsible products with high added value.
Eco-responsible productions
If ISRA plans to capitalize on the eco-responsible positioning of its productions made on AlphaJET, Gaëtan Courthial, ISRA's commercial director, also sees it as a development tool:

" AlphaJET will allow us to improve both the service we provide to our customers and our efforts in favor of more ecological products. First of all, we will gain in reactivity, but we will also be able to significantly improve the carbon footprint of our products thanks to a reduction in waste (production losses) and a lower consumption of solvents and electricity. The de-inkability of MGI inks and varnish are also assets to meet customers' expectations for increasingly eco-responsible products. Finally, we are counting on the multiple possibilities offered by AlphaJET to address the new markets we are targeting such as smart packaging or printed electronics.
An investment validated by a team of experts
The process of validation of the acquisition of the AlphaJET, specific to the printing company ISRA, confirms, for Edmond Abergel, CEO of MGI Digital Technology, the relevance of the concept of Factory 4.0 of the AlphaJET:

"During our first exchanges with the ISRA teams, we were surprised by the very strong innovation DNA that carried the dynamics of the company, and by its implementation by a team of experts of conventional technologies, very different from each other: offset, digital, screen printing, hot foil stamping, printed electronics... At the end of a process of thorough tests and trials, these are the experts who validated the acquisition of the AlphaJET. It is a great pride for us that experts of conventional trades have validated the concept of digital Factory 4.0 100% that is the AlphaJET ".
ISRA signed the order for its AlphaJET in December 2021, with installation to take place in April and May 2022.